
Microsoft Jdbc Driver For Mac
microsoft jdbc driver for mac

ActiveMatrix BPM requires various third-party software. Connecting QlikView and QlikSense to JDBC-accessible Data Sources via the OpenLink ODBC-JDBC Bridge Driver (Connector) QlikView and. Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) A C-programming-language-based application programming interface (API) that enables the development and deployment of SQL relational database independent (agnostic) applications.

microsoft jdbc driver for mac

Microsoft Jdbc Download Microsoft JDBC

As such we highly recommend that you work with the latest version of Microsoft JDBC driver.Download Microsoft JDBC Driver 9.4 for SQL Server (zip)Download Microsoft JDBC Driver 9.4 for SQL Server (tar.gz) Version informationWhen you download the driver, there are multiple JAR files. We're continually improving Java connectivity support. If you need to use an older Java runtime, see the Java and JDBC specification support matrix to see if there's a supported driver version you can use. It supports Java 8, 11, and 16.

microsoft jdbc driver for macmicrosoft jdbc driver for mac